1. The name of the club shall be Wyke Amateur Rugby League Football Club (Wyke ARLFC).
2. The objective of Wyke Amateur Rugby League Football Club is to provide, maintain and improve sporting facilities for the benefit of our members and the local community.
3. Wyke ARLFC will strive to foster and develop Amateur Rugby League and to establish and grow youth rugby league in conjunction with the senior team set up.
4. The committee shall run the club, all of who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The clubs committee shall be comprised of
A. Chairman
B. Treasurer
C. Open Age Secretary
D. Junior Secretary
F. Club Welfare Officer
Plus a minimum of four committee persons
5. Full Club Committee Meetings shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month commencing at 7:30pm at the Club House.
i. Sub Committees will have met previously and forwarded any minutes and decision points to the Clubs Chairman, prior to the Full Committee Meeting
ii. The Chairman can convene any further meetings they consider necessary by giving the relevant Committee seven days’ notice of such meetings.
iii. The Committee Meeting is an open meeting, for anyone to attend. The committee listens to any comments raised - reviews them, and then votes are taken on how to proceed.
iv. If there is an equality of vote’s further fact and data are gathered, a decision is made based on the impact to the members and the community.
v. The number required to make these meetings quorate - A minimum of four persons are required to make a quorum.
vi. New Committee members and The hierarchy of the committee is based on The RFL's requisites, persons who have the skill set and passion to match the positions are chosen for the roles.
6. The date of the Annual General Meeting shall be determined by the Full Committee for the consideration of the rules of the club and any other business.
7. Any amendments to rules shall be in the hands of the Chairman no later than 1st December each year.
8. Any amendments or additions to rules must be proposed and seconded by members of the club.
9. Each player must sign a League Registration Form and/or Card, provide two passport photographs, complete the club’s Player Profile and Consent form (for Juniors) and pay their Signing on Fee before being allowed to represent the Club.
10. The Annual Subscriptions to the club shall be split into juniors (up to and including Under 11’s), Youth (Under 12’s through to Under 18’s) and Adult.
i. Adult Player Annual Subscription is £120.00 per season
ii. Youth Player Annual Subscription is £120.00 per season
iii. Junior Player Annual Subscription is £120.00 per season
These amounts to be reviewed annually and will be set by the Club’s Committee at the Annual General Meeting.
11. Team subscriptions (Subs) must be handed in no later than the following Tuesday after a game has been played. The following people are the only ones authorised by Wyke A.R.L.F.C. to accept subscription money on behalf of the club.
1st – Treasurer
2nd – Assistant Treasurer (If applicable)
3rd – Chairman
Failure to adhere to rule 11 will result in at least one game being cancelled for the offending team, further games may be cancelled if the Committee see fit.
12. Open age players in arrears of 3 weeks will have representative playing rights withdrawn until paid in full.
13. All players are expected to attend training sessions and if unable to attend should notify the respective coaching team a.s.a.p.
14. ALL Committee Members and Players are expected to support the Club in all of its fund raising activities.
15. All players and officials who win annual trophies shall guarantee their safe return to the club. All trophies should be returned to the secretary no later than 1st May each year in a satisfactory condition.
16. Wyke Amateur Rugby League Club is committed to equal opportunities.
i. We are committed to ensuring that our club is open to everyone regardless of their gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or physical ability.
ii. Racist abuse of any kind will not be tolerated. As a Club we also endorse the ‘Respect’, ‘Tackle It’ and ‘Safeguarding Children’ Campaigns and Policies of the Rugby Football League (The RFL).
iii. Any person reported of any of the above, will be asked to explain their behaviour to the clubs committee which would result in disciplinary action or expulsion.
17. The club management committee shall have the power to deal with any matter not provided for in these rules as they may decide.
18. The end of the financial year shall be 31st December each year.
19. If the club is wound up, whatever is left after paying what it owes will be used for approved sporting or charitable purposes
20. Wyke Amateur Rugby League Football Club shall not distribute profits and shall apply all of its income to the furtherance of the objects above.
21. The work of Wyke Amateur Rugby League Football Club shall not be for the benefit of landfill site operators who may contribute WARLFC and claim credit under the Landfill Communities Fund. Nor shall it be for the benefit of contributing third parties, as defined in the landfill tax regulations
22. In the event of the organisation disbanding any remaining Landfill Communities Fund money shall be transferred to any enrolled Environmental Body, and not to an organisation of similar objects and status